Manila Online Local Florists - Send Fresh Flowers in Manila, Philippines
Send a Lily Bouquet to Manila - Fresh Lilies in Manila available online.

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Manila Online Local Florists - Send Fresh Flowers in Manila, Philippines

Order & Send Fresh Flowers Online to Manila, Philippines

Purchasing your favourite flower through our online Manila flower shops is an easy task to do whenever you want to send floral gift to your beloved family or friends in Manila. With our fast and efficient services, your recipient will be able to enjoy receiving the gift according to your requested time and day. In order to use the services provided by our local Manila flower shops you need to leave your phone number for every order together with your recipient contact number as well for better communication and fast delivery. In addition, you need to also state your second choice of flowers and colours in case your specific flowers are not available.

Through our Manila flowers delivery service, you would be able to find various floral arrangements that are prepared with special and unique designs suitable for any occasion like Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Birthdays, Weddings as well as Sympathy.

Manila Fresh Roses

You can choose to send our finest Manila roses with your favourite colours that range from red, pink, yellow, white, lavender and peach. Our expert florists will hand-select the roses from the best quality available for you to surprise your loved one on any special day.

Manila Flower Delivery Service

Mondial Flowers provides an efficient delivery service when it comes to have flowers delivered. Whether you require it to be delivered on the same day or during a special day as well as during an upcoming occasion. Our same-day express flower delivery service offers you the option for choosing various freshly-cut flowers that are guaranteed to be delivered to your recipient on the same day but your order must be submitted via our online flower shops before 1 pm which is the latest time order for same-day delivery service.